November 15, 2016
Add your name by Thursday, November 17th, and show your support for Partnerships for Parks!
Over the past two years New Yorkers for Parks has held borough and citywide meetings with parks advocates and stewards from across the five boroughs. Almost every group spoke very highly of the support they’ve received from their Partnerships Outreach Coordinator. But we also heard again and again that the Outreach Coordinators are stretched too thin, and unable to provide the level of support the groups are looking for. That's why we're asking City Hall to add new Partnerships staff, enough to cover all of our parks and communities.
The map below shows how many community board districts each Partnerships for Parks Outreach Coordinator oversees - each color corresponds to an OC's district in every borough. This shows just how much of the city each OC has to cover, and why we believe New York City's parks and communities need more.
On Thursday, November 17th we're presenting testimony to the New York City Council making the case for more Partnerships staff.
Add your name and/or your organization's name to our testimony, and show your support for Partnerships for Parks.