May 8, 2016
Join us as we hold an online Twitter storm on Friday, May 20 from 10 am - 1pm, telling City Hall that our parks need increased funding. City Hall will hold their Executive Budget hearing at the same time, but even though the public can't testify that doesn't mean we can't make our voices heard! Use hashtag #PitchIn4Parks on Twitter, and tell City Hall why your parks, gardens, and open spaces need more investment. Use the sample tweets provided below, and retweet @NY4P with #PitchIn4Parks. With a strong, unified voice we can ensure better parks for NYC!
Parks and gardens are necessary to the health of New Yorkers. @NYCMayorsOffice @MMViverito: #PitchIn4Parks in the city budget
All New Yorkers deserve access to clean and healthy parks. @NYCMayorsOffice @MMViverito #PitchIn4Parks & provide the funding they need
Growing and densifying NYC neighborhoods need more parkland to be healthy & vibrant. @NYCMayorsOffice @MMViverito #PitchIn4Parks
#PitchIn4Parks and give NYC parks & gardens the funding they need in the city budget! @NYCMayorsOffice @MMViverito
Parks make New York healthy, and provide good jobs. @NYCMayorsOffice @MMViverito: #PitchIn4Parks, fund NYC jobs & open spaces
Community gardens strengthen neighborhoods and empower communities. @NYCMayorsOffice @MMViverito: #PitchIn4Parks & fund NYC gardens
Or retweet @NY4P and use hashtag #PitchIn4Parks