We've accomplished so much with your support. In fiscal year 2018 we worked with more than 26,000 Daffodil Project volunteers, educated over 900 New Yorkers at our workshops and trainings, and shared our resources with over 17,000 New Yorkers. We stood side-by-side with open space advocates from Hunts Point to Rockaway Beach and all points in-between, and gathered park stewards from all across the city to build a powerful coalition protecting our parks.
We fought to protect 150 park gardener and maintenance positions in the city budget - and won. We kicked off our Open Space Dialogues, which grew in popularity with the last event in the series reaching over 300 participants in-person and online. And we released two new Open Space Index reports focusing on Brownsville, Brooklyn and the Southern Boulevard area in the Bronx.
Learn more about this and our many other accomplishments in fiscal year 2018 in our just-released annual report.